•   9431473569
  •  info@rdsschool.in

नए सत्र में नामांकन प्रारम्भ ।






RDS is an English medium, co-educational Day cum Residential School, Run and Managed by C.D.S.MEMORIAL TRUST, CHAPRA, SARAN. The School Started Functioning From April-01-2010 as a unique educational concept harmonizing the best concept and virtues. it is situates in chapra, by pass road, near jagdam collage. The school keeps an earnest desire to provide all-round supported specially to those student who come from rural background or from remote areas.

Message from the Founder and Chairperson

The core purpose of education is to provide children with a learning environment which brings out the best in them. We believe that every child is endowed with a unique set of attributes and abilities, which need to be nurtured so that they blossom. Therefore, every child deserves an education that fosters academic excellence and all-round development and ensures their well-being. We are inspired by these tenets in everything that we do at RDS Public School.

At RDS, we provide a learning environment that inspires and motivates children, and encourages them to explore limitless possibilities in their quest for knowledge, since Inception, our overarching goal has been to make RDS a happy school, where teaching in a pleasure and learning is a joy, where learning and excelling is a passion, and culture and values have a pre-eminent place.

Our caring and committed teachers are our pillars of strength. They teach our children not just with their minds but with their hearts. They make learning enjoyable and rewarding, and imbibe in children the importance of sound values. Our excellent educational programmes are complemented by state of the art facilities and resources and our focus on sports and co curricular opportunities facilitates children's holistic education.

Our accomplishments over the past years and our reputation as one of the top schools

exemplify the success of our educational modal- an Indian mind, and indian heart and an

Indian soul. All these inspire us to continue to do our best, in preparing children for the 21st


I warmly invite you to explore RDS as we re-dedicate ourselves every day, to impart the very best education to young minds

Jagdish Singh


RDS is an English Medium, Co-educational Day Cum Residential School, run and managed by CDS. Memorial Trust, Saran. The School started. functioning as a unique educational concept harmonizing the best concepts and virtues. It is situated in Chapra, By pass Road, near Jagdam Collage.

The school keeps an earnest desire to provide all round support specially to those students who come from rural back ground or from remote areas.

From the Patron's Desk

Now a days it is being seen that primary education is turning out to be a burden for children instead of creating their interest towards education. This pattern definitely leads to no way and gets disappointment. This ultimate disappointment leads to socially un wanted area. This is a great draw back of this pattern of education.

What is needed, is the pattern which drags students towards interest and orient them to bright future. And it is RDS Public School which gives the shape to your children's future.

Having being for forty years in the field of education what I have experienced are certain digs and mounts in this pattern of education. It is my long experience which forced me to dedicate a school to our society which could eliminate these digs and mounts.

Ramadhar Singh


प्राचार्य का संदेश


वर्त्तमान युग भौतिक वाद के सापेक्ष है। भारतीय सभ्यता एवम् संस्कृति शिक्षा के पवित्र क्षेत्र में अग्रणी है। प्राचीन काल से ही भारतीय वाङ्मय विश्व का गुरू रहा है। परन्तु वर्त्तमान परिवेश कुत्सित, कुण्ठित, एवम् संकीर्ण होता जा रहा है। इसमें हमारे भारत के भविष्य, युग के युवा, अपने पवित्र पथ से विचलित न हो इसके लिए हमें सफलतम् प्रयास करना है। हमारा विद्यालय इसी की एक कड़ी है। हमारा प्रयास है, हमारे शिष्यों के व्यक्तित्व में, शिष्टता, कर्त्तव्यशीलता एवम् दृढ़ इच्छा शक्ति का मज्जूल सामंजस्य हो, यही हमारी कामना है। शिक्षोपार्जन से उनका सर्वांगीण विकास हो वही हमारा संकल्प है। ये सामाजिक, शैक्षणिक, आर्थिक, सांस्कृतिक एवम् आध्यात्मिक रूप से पुष्पित, पल्लवित एवम् फलित हो यही हमारा आदर्श है।


Aims and objectives :

The objective of this institution is to promote all round development of student's personality.. The school believes that academic developments in

students is an important goal of education which makes pupils socially responsible citizen. We aim at not only the physical, emotional and educational needs of children, but their spiritual aspects too. We have to focus at children's natural inquisitiveness, their self confidence and intelligence.


Based on the performance of a candidate at the written test followed by an interview/Aptitude Test.

No specific syllabus for the entrance Test is prescribed, although a student seeking admission is expected to possess acceptable knowledge of general English, Mathematics and Science subjects. Questions comprise both objective and subjective types.

Session :

There are two terms in an Academic year.

First semester: April to September

Second Semester: October to march

Charges and Fees :

All Charges and Fees have been fixed very thought fully considering the high soaring prices everyday. All fees must be paid on or before the due dates payments should be made to the Accountant on the cash counter either by cash or by cheque in the favour of RDS Public School.

Updated On: 29-Jan-2025
विद्यालय के स्थापना दिवस पर 51 बच्चियों का नि:शुल्क नामांकन नए सत्र में नामांकन प्रारम्भ     Updated On: 28-Dec-2023
आर डी एस पब्लिक स्कूल छपरा को सभी विषयों में योग्य एवं अनुभवी शिक्षक/शिक्षिकाओं की आवश्यकता है। चयनित शिक्षक/शिक्षिकाओं को आकर्षक वेतन दिया जायेगा। इच्छुक आवेदक 10 जनवरी 2024 तक अपने शैक्षणिक प्रमाण पत्रों एवं शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण प्रमाण पत्र के साथ विद्यालय काउंटर (स्वागत कक्ष)पर 10:00बजे से लेकर 2:00बजे अपराह्न तक जमा करें। प्राचार्य,आर डी एस पब्लिक स्कूल छपरा। Updated On: 20-Apr-2023
New Time Table(Effected From 20/04/2023) - Click on PDF for open it     Updated On: 28-May-2022
Summer Vacation home work 2022-23 (Class -VIII)     Updated On: 28-May-2022
Summer Vacation home work 2022-23 (Class - VII)     Updated On: 28-May-2022
Summer Vacation home work 2022-23 (Class -VI)     Updated On: 28-May-2022
Summer Vacation home work 2022-23 (Class - V)     Updated On: 28-May-2022
Summer Vacation home work 2022-23 (Class - IV)     Updated On: 28-May-2022
Summer Vacation home work 2022-23 (Class - III)     Updated On: 28-May-2022
Summer Vacation home work 2022-23 (Class - II)     Updated On: 28-May-2022
Summer Vacation home work 2022-23 (Class - I)     Updated On: 28-May-2022
Summer Vacation home work 2022-23 (UKG)     Updated On: 28-May-2022
Summer Vacation home work 2022-23 (LKG)     Updated On: 28-May-2022
Summer Vacation home work 2022-23 (Nur.)    



The modern era is physical & material. Indian civilization & culture reflect that India was on the top most position in the of education. Since a pretty long time India has been ‘guru’ of the whole world. Nalanda University is the burning proof in this respect. This very university was a centre of learning of remote paste where a foreigner was taught. India is reach in her cultural heritage. Now we see that people are going to be narrow minded and morally degraded. Humanity is going to be disappearing.


In Photos